Privacy policy

Privacy policy

The domain names and are the property of LA PIARA S.A. (Henceforth known as “LA PIARA”)


LA PIARA promises to comply with the legislation in force in terms of personal data protection.

LA PIARA guarantees that, as the owner of the personal files, it will confidentially process the personal data that was voluntarily provided by users of this website or through official LA PIARA profiles in social media or LA PIARA services and promotions.

LA PIARA has taken the necessary technical measures to maintain the required safety level, according to the nature of the personal data being processed and the processing circumstances in order to avoid as much as possible unauthorised alteration, loss, processing or access, according to standard practice.

Below, in compliance with the personal data protection regulation, information will be provided on the terms and conditions of data processing performed by LA PIARA.


Company name: LA PIARA S.A.

Commercial Name: LA PIARA

Headquarters: 08560 Manlleu (Barcelona) Carretera BV-4608, Manlleu-La Gleva, Km. 2.1

Tax code: A-08009359

Phone: 900 202 106


LA PIARA web presence:

Facebook Instagram Youtube



La Piara

In compliance with the EU 2017/679 regulation on General Data Protection (henceforth “GDPR”) and the Law on Services to the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (henceforth “LSSICE”), LA PIARA informs you that processing personal data that you provide throughout websites can be used for all or some of the following purposes, as indicated in each case:

  • Advertising and providing information on the company’s products and information and management of promotions

The following forms that can be found on websites related to the promotions organised by LA PIARA will provide you, case by case, with specific information on the purpose(s) of the processing which required you to provide your personal data and for which your consent will be requested, plus all other information required by the personal data protection regulation.

  • Customer service by email or phone regarding enquiries/complaints made through the “Contact” web forms or by email.

For the aforementioned purposes, we can classify the set of data from the interested party into the following sources and types:

  • Data provided directly by the interested party

Data provided directly by you, either when requesting the service or filling in the interactive forms in html format on our website, and data provided throughout the business relationship in different ways such as the customer services department (through a web form or phone call).

All the information that the user provides through the website forms should be true. For these purposes, the user guarantees the authenticity of all the data he/she sends. In any case, the user will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate manifestations that he/she makes and for the damage it might cause to LA PIARA or to third parties due to the information he or she is providing.

In addition, personal data will be obtained through social media that you let us consult and information obtained by means of browsing our website or other websites in the ADAM FOODS group or our mobile phone apps in which you duly identify yourself.

  • Data obtained from sources other than the interested party

Data obtained from sources other than the interested party, either by giving his/her consent or by any other legal authorisation (legitimate interest, compliance with a legal obligation). Examples of this are sources accessible to the public, or Public Administration or Legal Organisations.


The personal data processed by LA PIARA for the purposes listed above could be communicated with prior consent from the interested party to the rest of the ADAM FOODS Group:

  • GALLETAS ARTIACH S.A.U. Single shareholder company (NIF A-64929250).
  • GRANJA SAN FRANCISCO, S.L. Single shareholder company (NIF B-55216758).
  • CUÉTARA S.L.U. Single shareholder company (NIF B-87127676).
  • TRIGORICO, S.L. Single shareholder company (NIF B-87438750).

Personal data can also be sent to subcontractors (Processing Supervisors) to be processed on behalf of and at the expense of LA PIARA and under its instructions to meet the given purposes. In this case, contractual measures will be taken as required so that the Processing Supervisors might respect and protect the interested parties’ personal information.


The separated data will be kept with no deletion deadline.

Regarding the data provided by the actual users via the websites, email or phone call, it will only be processed for the period of time required for the defined purpose or, when the case arises, until the interested party exercises their rights to object, right to be forgotten or withdraw their consent or deregister from the commercial information service.

Once the respective conservation period has passed, LA PIARA will delete the data or make it anonymous as long as it should not be kept for lingering purposes.

Regarding the user data published in social media pages and profiles, from when the user gives their consent to when they withdraw it.


The data protection regulations give you a series of rights in relation to processing personal data that implicates our services that can be summarised as:

Right to access: Know what type of data we are processing and the characteristics of the data processing that we are performing.

Right to Rectification: Be able to request modification of your data due to being inaccurate or untrue.

Right to request limited processing, in which case it will only be kept for the exercise or to defend against complaints.

Right to Portability: Be able to obtain a copy of the data that is being processed in an interoperable format.

Right to objection: Request that commercial information is no longer sent out in the aforementioned terms.

The user will be able to exercise their rights by sending the relevant request to the email or postal address given at the bottom of each form or, failing that, to the following postal or email address:

Grupo ADAM FOODS, Travesera de Gracia, núm. 342, 08025 Barcelona, writing this reference on the envelope: REF: PERSONAL DATA or by sending a message to the following email address, indicating the right to exercise and in both cases including a photocopy of your DNI or other similar ID document.

If consent has been given for a specific purpose, you have the right to withdraw it at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

If you have an issue with the way in which LA PIARA is processing your data, you can complain to or to the Spanish Data Protection Agency.


In order to consult information on this point, please redirect to this address:


The website servers will be able to automatically detect the IP address and the domain name used by the user. An IP address is a number assigned automatically to a computer when it is connected to the Internet. All this information is recorded in a duly registered server activity file that allows subsequent data processing in order to obtain solely statistical measurements that provide information on the number of pages printed, the number of visits made to the web services, the order of visits, the access point, etc.


The website uses information security techniques that are generally accepted in the industry such as firewalls, access control procedures and cryptographic mechanisms, all with the aim of preventing unauthorised access to the data. In order to achieve these purposes, the user/customer accepts that the service provider obtains data for the purposes of the corresponding authentication of the access checks.


We can modify this Privacy and Data Protection Policy and, if we make any significant changes, we will let you know through our website, or by other means, and you will have the chance to review the changes before they become effective. If you do not agree with any of the changes, you can exercise your rights and manage your consent.

Continued use of our website after publishing or sending a warning regarding our changes in this Privacy and Personal data policy implies that the compilation, use and shared use of your personal data is subject to the updated Privacy and Personal data policy.

Date it comes into force: 25 May 2018

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