How We Cook?
We cook our recipes just like you would at home, taking care of every detail to guarantee the highest quality and the best flavor of all of them.
We cook our recipes just like you would at home, taking care of every detail to guarantee the highest quality and the best flavor of all of them.
We cook all our recipes with 100% natural ingredients.
We select the best ingredients to ensure that all our recipes are cooked with ingredients of the highest quality.
We pack our recipes hermetically and put them through our DUCHA MARÍA® , a system similar to the traditional bain-marie, to achieve the best conservation, without preservatives . Thus, all our products are preserved for a long time, without the need to add additives , and with the maximum organoleptic and nutritional guarantees.
At La Piara we cook our own recipes just like you would at home. We keep it very simple: great ingredients and minimal processing.
Thanks to our "DUCHA MARÍA®" method you can keep our recipes at hand, always ready to eat.
LP FOODIES, S.A.U. ha recibido una ayuda para su proyecto de instalación de infraestructura de recarga “SUMINISTRO E INSTALACIÓN DE 2 PUNTOS DE RECARGA PARA VEHÍCULOS ELÉCTRICOS (TIPO 2)”, cofinanciada por el Mecanismo Europeo de Recuperación y Resiliencia PRTR-Next Generation EU, coordinada por el Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico través de IDAE y gestionada por las autonomías según el Real Decreto 266/2021, con el objetivo de conseguir una economía más limpia y sostenible. En el marco del programa MOVES III Catalunya, LP FOODIES. S.A.U. ha completado la instalación de tres puntos de recarga de 22 kW cada uno, utilizando el modelo COPPER SB con el pedestal Eiffel.